MRSD Safe Schools and Testing Plans/Results

Drinking Water across the District

MRSD Standard of Practice
The District is responsible for assuring regular testing of water quality, which includes testing for lead. 

In accordance  with OAR 333-061-0400, OHA has set an action level of 15 or more parts per billion (PPB) for schools.  If a Tap has 15 or more PPB of lead, the district will take action to reduce the level.  These actions include:  complete an appropriate permanent mitigation in accordance with EPA and test the Tap after mitigation is complete, demonstrating lead is less than 15 ppb before access to the Tap is resumed.

Testing has taken place at all of our schools; you can find the individual building test results below.  Any Tap that has tested above 15 ppb have signage indicating they are not to be used for drinking water.  Note: During the pandemic all drinking fountains in the district were deactivated and remain deactivated today.

We will continue to collaborate with water quality authorities to assure our practices meet or exceed minimum standards for monitoring contaminant levels.

Test results for schools with public water supplies will be published in school newsletters, at the District Office, and on our website, assuring parents of water quality and our ongoing commitment to safety as a first priority

 Clarkes Elementary School

 2020 Results

 Molalla Elementary School

 2020 Results
 2022 Results #1
 2022 Results #2 

 Mulino Elementary School

 2021 Results

 Rural Dell Elementary School

 2019 Results
 2022 Results

 Molalla River Middle School

 2020 Results

 Molalla High School

 2020 MHS Results
 2021 Heckard Field Results

MRSD Healthy and Safety Plan 2023- Annual Statement

MRSD Health and Safety (HASS)  Plan

Our IPM (Integrated Pest Management) System; a state mandated pesticide system, requires that our District and all that conduct their events in the District must comply with the required guidelines. At no time shall anyone other than the two people in our district with the Pesticide Applicator’s Licenses spray chemicals of any kind in or around all school grounds; including: Molalla High School, Molalla River Middle School, Molalla Elementary School, Clarkes Elementary, Mulino Elementary School, Rural Dell Elementary or around the MRSD district office. By law, anyone found illegally spraying district property are subject to a $10,000 fine.

Molalla River SD Radon Report 2016
Testing for Elevated Radon in Oregon School
Molalla River SD Radon Results Summary and Reports April 2018
Molalla River SD Radon Results Summary Report; September 30, 2018
Molalla River SD Integrated Pest Management Policy

Radon Testing


Clarkes Elementary


Molalla Elementary


Mulino Elementary 


Rural Dell Elementary 


Molalla River MS 

Results #1
Results #2

Molalla High School 

Results #1
Results #2

Other District Facilities 

Land Lab
District Office - Admin