Phone: 503.829-2359
Email Lauree Nelzen
Teaching and Learning
The Molalla River School District Board of Directors is comprised of seven elected members serving four-year terms. Board members are community volunteers and do not receive compensation for their work.
Board members establish policy based on Oregon and Federal laws governing schools. The Board approves policies and hires the Superintendent. The Superintendent implements the policy and program and hires the employees to carry out the work.
Public Involvement is Encouraged
The public is invited to attend the public Board meetings in person or online to gain a better understanding of school district business and the role of the School Board.
The public is invited to address the Board during the public input portion of the regular monthly Board meetings. Individuals interested in addressing the Board should arrive a few minutes prior to the scheduled monthly meetings to complete and submit a public input form.
MRSD School Board Adopted Operating Agreements 2019
For more information, contact:
Phone: 503.829-2359
Email Lauree Nelzen
We are always pleased when you take the time to join us at a board meeting. Your interest in the Molalla River School District and your presence at a board meeting are appreciated. As elected officials, members of the school board are interested in your concerns and opinions. Your participation is a vital part of our school system's success.
We hope that attending a school board meeting will give you a better understanding of how the school district operates. We encourage public participation in our meetings and welcome your comments. Time is set aside during the "Public Forum" portion of each regular board meeting to hear the views of citizens, staff, and students.
Board meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM in our district Board Room. Work sessions are typically held on the fourth Thursday of the month. Copies of the board meeting agenda as well as minutes from the previous meetings, are made available on BoardBook .
Recordings of the meetings are available on YouTube @molallariverschools35
Molalla River School District
PO Box 188
Molalla, OR 97038
503-829-2359 ext. 7463
Email Lauree Nelzen